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Golden Great Dragon Invasion

Embark on an extraordinary adventure as we delve into the legendary Golden Great Dragon Invasion in Lotus Mu. In this captivating article, we uncover the awe-inspiring power and magnificence of the Golden Great Dragon, as well as the trials and triumphs that await players who dare to face this mighty creature. Prepare to witness the clash of titans and discover the extraordinary rewards that lie in wait for those who prove themselves worthy in this epic battle.

Place of Invasion

The Golden Great Dragon Invasion unleashes relentless fury across multiple kingdoms, devastating the lands of Lotus Mu. We will explore the targeted locations and witness the catastrophic scale of this cataclysmic event later in that article.


You have the option to utilize the website schedule to check the remaining time before the next instance commences.

Please take into account that the invasion timer is based on the server time.

Invasion Details

The Golden Knigth, a formidable and relentless warrior, strikes fear into the hearts of all who dare to face it with its exceptional combat skills and unwavering determination in the realm of Lotus Mu.

Golden Knight

Golden Knight


The menacing Golden Knight wreaks havoc in the serene lands of Lotus Mu, instilling chaos and fear. Find the Golden Knight on the designated map:


During the invasion only 1 Golden Knight is crawling somewhere in Kanturu. .


By slaying that creature a player will be rewarded a Red Chaos Box + 3 Credits.

Red Chaos Box

Red Chaos Box