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Invisibility Cloak

Players that want to participate in the Blood Castle will need to craft an Invisibility Cloak prior joining the event. This article covers the process of this Chaos Mix.


To craft the Invisibility Cloak Mix, you'll need two essential components:

Blood FangScroll of ArchangelJewel of ChaosInvisibility Cloak
Blood FangPlusScroll of ArchangelPlusJewel of ChaosEqualsInvisibility Cloak

Invisibility Cloak Crafting


For a guaranteed drop of the Invisibility Cloak Ingredients you can kill the Dead Digger in either Icewrack, Ashkavor or Land of Trials.

Dead Digger

Dead Digger

The Jewel of Chaos serves as the catalyst for the fusion process, while the items provide the foundation for the creation of the Invisibility Cloak.

The following table provides information on how much Zen the respective Chaos Mix will cost:

Invisibility CloakRequired Zen

The success rate for this Chaos Combination is 80%.

The Chaos Machine

Once you have acquired the Jewel of Chaos and the required items, locate the Chaos Machine within the game world. You can find the Goblin in Noria and Yoskreth.

Interact with the Chaos Goblin and follow the prompts to proceed with your combination.

Chaos Goblin

The Chaos Goblin