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Jewel of Harmony

The usage of Jewel of Harmony extends to imbuing items with unique and diverse special options. These options can vary significantly and provide distinct benefits to the equipped item.

Jewel of Harmony

Jewel of Harmony


The Jewel of Harmony is main ingredient in a chaos combination that grants Item Options , commonly referred to as pink options.

For a more comprehensive understanding of this procedure, I highly recommend delving into the informative and insightful Item Options article.


The acquisition of the Jewel of Harmony is exclusively achievable through the process of crafting. Although the procedure itself is relatively straightforward, there are certain factors that necessitate careful consideration.

To commence the crafting process, you must first acquire a Gemstone.



To refine these raw Gemstones into the coveted Jewel of Harmony, the invaluable assistance of Elpis inside the Refinery Tower is needed.

Entrusting Elpis with the refining task ensures the successful transformation of the Gemstone into the potent Jewel of Harmony, allowing you to unlock its exceptional powers.



You can go to the Refinery Tower by using the Gateway Machine (141,186) in Kanturu Relics

Gateway Machine

Gateway Machine

Harmony Options

To bestow your item with the coveted Harmony Options (also known as Yellow Options), all you need to do is effortlessly apply the Jewel of Harmony onto it.

The Jewel of Harmony is a single-use item, rendering it irretrievable for any future applications. Once it has served its purpose, the jewel is forever relinquished, unable to be reclaimed or reused. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the decision carefully before employing a Jewel of Harmony.

Weapons Harmony Options

The following table shows what harmony options and their respective values you can have on your excellent items depending on their item level.

Option / Item Level+0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13
Minimum attack power increase357911131520253035404550
Maximum Attack Power Increase5101520253035404550607080105
Required Strength decrease5102030405060708090100110120135
Required Agility decrease5102030405060708090100110120135
Attack power increase(Min, Max)1020304050607085
Critical damage increase20304050100110120135
Skill attack power increase45556575100
Attack success rate increase(PvP)50100150200250
SD decrement increase3581520
SD bypass rate increase10
  • Minimum attack power increase: Increase in minimum attack power according to set value. However, cannot increase beyond -1 of the maximum attack power.
  • Maximum Attack Power Increase : Increase in maximum attack power according to set value.
  • Required Strength decrease: Decrease in required strength value of weapon according to set value.
  • Required Agility decrease: Decrease in required agility value of weapon according to set value.
  • Attack power increase(Min, Max): The minimum and maximum attack power of the weapon is increased simultaneously according to set value.
  • Critical damage increase: Increase in critical damage according to set value.
  • Skill attack power increase: Increase in final attack power of skill according to set value, when using skill.
  • Attack success rate increase(PvP): Increase in attack success rate according to the set value in PvP.
  • SD decrement increase: Ignoring opponents SD and giving HP damage increases according to set value, plus giving a continuous hit.
  • SD bypass rate increase: The damage absorbed by the opponent's shield in PVP directly translates into HP damage according to set value.

Staffs Harmony Options

The following table shows what harmony options and their respective values you can have on your excellent items depending on their item level.

Option / Item Level+0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13
Magic power increase5102030405060708090125150175220
Required Strength decrease5101520253035404550607080105
Required Agility Decrease5101520253035404550607080105
Skill attack power increase60708090105120145165
Critical damage increase60708090100125150175
SD decrement increase1520253035
SD bypass rate increase increase ( PVP )50100150200250
SD bypass rate increase25
  • Magic power increase: Increase in magic power of the orb according to set value.
  • Required Strength decrease: Decrease in staffs required strength value according to set value.
  • Required Agility Decrease: Decrease in weapons required agility value according to set value.
  • Skill attack power increase: Increase in final attack power of skill according to set value, when using skill.
  • Critical damage increase: Increase in critical damage according to set value.
  • SD decrement increase: Ignoring opponents SD and giving HP damage increases according to set value, plus giving a continuous hit.
  • Attack success rate increase(PvP): Increase in attack success rate according to the set value in PvP.
  • SD bypass rate increase: The damage absorbed by the opponent's shield in PVP directly translates into HP damage according to set value.

Armors Harmony Options

The following table shows what harmony options and their respective values you can have on your excellent items depending on their item level.

Option / Item Level+0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13
Defense power increase5102030405060708090100110120150
Maximum HP increase5255075100125150175200225250
Maximum HP increase5255075100125150175200225250
HP automatic increase rate increase123510152025
MP automatic increase rate increase1015202530
Defense success rate increase(PvP)50100150200250
Damage decrease increase45678
SD rate increase10
  • Defense power increase: Increase in defense weapons defense power according to set value.
  • Maximum AG increase: Increase in characters AG according to set value.
  • Maximum HP increase: Increase in characters HP according to set value.
  • HP automatic increase rate increase: Increase in HP recovery amount per tick according to set value.
  • MP automatic increase rate increase: Increase in MP recovery amount per tick according to set value.
  • Defense success rate increase(PvP): Increase in defense success rate in PVP according to set value.
  • Damage decrease increase: Decrease in damage received apart from final defense power when receiving damage according to set value.
  • SD rate increase: Increase in shields damage absorb rate in PVP according to set value.

Harmony Options Upgrade

The Harmony Option has the potential for further enhancement through the utilization of either Low Refining Stones or High Refining Stones. These refining stones serve as catalysts for elevating the power and effectiveness of the Jewel of Harmony Option.

Whether you opt for the Low Refining Stone or the High Refining Stone, this upgrade process enables you to amplify the benefits and advantages conferred by the Jewel of Harmony Option, allowing for a more formidable presence in the realms of Lotus Mu.

Harmony Options Removal

When it comes to Excellent items, the sole individual capable of removing the Harmony Option affixed to them is none other than Jerridon. His expertise and assistance are indispensable in eliminating the Harmony Option from these remarkable items.


Jerridon can be encountered within the vicinity of Yoskreth.

By seeking out Jerridon's aid, you can effectively remove the Harmony Option and potentially replace it with a more desirable alternative, further enhancing the overall potential and value of your Excellent items.

