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Hide n' Seek

The Hide n' Seek Event in Lotus Mu adds an element of fun and spontaneity to the realm, challenging players to embark on a quest to locate a hidden Game Master.

This event, known for its excitement and unpredictability, provides an opportunity for players to take a break from their usual activities and engage in a thrilling search.

Event Triggering and Concept

The Hide n' Seek Event is initiated by a Game Master, making it a GM-triggered event.

When the event is set in motion, a system notice is sent to all online players, announcing the commencement of the Hide n' Seek challenge.

Hide n' Seek Start

Hide n' Seek Start

The Search Begins

The objective of the Hide n' Seek Event is simple: players must locate the GM who initiated the event. This GM will be hidden somewhere within the game world of Lotus Mu.


Once the event starts, players will have a limited time of 5 minutes to track down and find the elusive Game Master.

The Thrill of Discovery

As players scour the realm in search of the hidden GM, the event brings about an atmosphere of excitement and suspense. It's a race against time, as participants navigate through various maps and locations, using their knowledge of the game world to their advantage. The challenge lies in being quick and observant, as well as following clues and hints to narrow down the search area.

Victory and Reward

The first player to successfully locate the hidden Game Master and initiate a trade with them emerges victorious in the Hide n' Seek Event.

Hide n' Seek

Hide n' Seek

Stay Alert and Join the Hunt

Keep an eye out for the system notices signaling the start of the Hide n' Seek Event. When that message appears, gear up for an exhilarating adventure as you race against time to find the elusive Game Master.

Will you be the one to crack the riddle, locate the hidden Game Master, and claim your well-earned Red Chocolate Box? Join the hunt and embrace the thrill of the Hide n' Seek Event in Lotus Mu!


As a reward for their exceptional sleuthing skills, the winner will receive a Red Chocolate Box.

Red Chocolate Box

Red Chocolate Box