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Pursuit Event

The Pursuit Event in Lotus Mu offers an adrenaline-filled experience that challenges players' agility and strategic thinking.

As a GM-triggered event, it brings a dynamic twist to the gaming realm, requiring participants to either escape or outwit the pursuing GM. Here's what you need to know about this exciting event:

Pursuit Event

Pursuit Event

How to Participate

When a GM initiates the Pursuit Event, a global notice will be broadcast to all players.


Those interested in joining can easily do so by typing the command /go.

Once confirmed, participants are instantly teleported next to the GM, signaling their readiness for the challenge.

Pursuit Event

The Pursuit

Upon the event's commencement, the roles are set: the pursuing GM aims to catch the players while they strive to outmaneuver and evade the GM's pursuit.

If the GM successfully hits a player, they're eliminated from the event. The tension escalates as players race against the clock and the GM's skills, each move potentially deciding their fate.

The Ultimate Survivor

In the Pursuit Event, the ultimate goal is to be the last player standing. The player who successfully avoids being caught by the GM will claim victory.

Pursuit Event

Pursuit Event Winner

It's a test of wits, reflexes, and cunning strategy, where every decision can mean the difference between triumph and defeat.

Experience the thrill of the Pursuit Event in Lotus Mu, where your ability to flee or outpace the pursuing GM determines your success. Stay sharp, strategize on your feet, and aim to be the ultimate survivor in this heart-pounding challenge.


The winner will be granted with a Purple Chaos Box.

Purple Chaos Box

Purple Chaos Box